How to Set Up Low Stock Notifications

ShipHero makes it easy to identify when a Purchase Order needs to be created through Low Stock Notifications. A Reorder Level can be specified within a product's settings to trigger the scheduled notification when a product’s available quantity dips below a certain amount. Prompting you to order inventory ahead so the product does not run out.

For more information about Reorder Levels.

Setting Up a Low Stock Notification 

To schedule when you receive a Low Stock Notification, follow the steps below:

  1. In, go to My Account > Settings > Notifications.
  2. Check the Active box for Low Stock.
  3. Choose the day and time that you want to be notified.
  4. Add the email address you want the notification sent to.
Note: 3PL customers follow this same procedure in the child account so that the client is notified when they need to create a Purchase Order.


To determine which products are included in the Low Stock Notification, set the product's Reorder Level. You can edit the Reorder Level for individual products using the edit feature on the product details page or the Quick Edit button on the Inventory Product page.

You have two options if you need to edit this value for multiple products at once. You can use the Bulk Edit button on the Inventory Products page, which is ideal for changing multiple products to the same value, or you can use a Bulk Edit CSV upload, which is recommended when there are multiple values needed across various SKUs.