I can't ship because "SKU XXX is in the order but doesn't have a record in your warehouse"

Use the troubleshooting steps in this article if you are unable to ship an order because "SKU XXX is in the order but doesn't have a record in your warehouse." 

Troubleshooting Steps

  • Create the SKU in your primary warehouse.
  • Once the SKU is created, go back to the order and click Reprocess under the Actions section on the right-hand side of the page to update the order and remove the error.

Note: All line items must have an SKU, and the SKU has to exist in the warehouse for the order to be processed.

Escalation Process

If the steps above do not address your concern, please create a ticket in your portal for ShipHero Support and include the following information:

  • The order number that you are having issues with.
  • The SKU you created in your warehouse.
  • Confirmation that you reprocessed the order and it still did not clear the error.