Orders are flagged "Partially Fulfilled" in ShipHero, but "Fulfilled" in Shopify

Use the troubleshooting steps in this article if your orders are shown as "partially fulfilled" in ShipHero, but show as "fulfilled" in Shopify.

Troubleshooting Steps

Is the "Allow orders to be shipped regardless of inventory" setting enabled with ShipHero?

  • Go to app.shiphero.com > My Account > Settings > General Settings
  • Confirm whether the option "Always allow orders to be shipped regardless if there is inventory" is enabled.

Was a line item added to the order in ShipHero (but not Shopify)?

  • Manual line items are typically added to an order in ShipHero (but not Shopify) when an item is substituted.
  • ShipHero will fulfill the order in Shopify so that the order does not remain "partially fulfilled" in your store.

Escalation Process

If the steps above do not address your concern, please create a ticket in your portal for ShipHero Support and include the following information:

  • An example order #
  • A screenshot of what you see in Shopify