Product Management in Shopify

Shopify provides a number of options to allow you to create and manage your product listings in your store. Duplicating products is the fastest way to create many products.

Shopify is best suited for the creation of new products, and the management of how that product is displayed in your store. 

Video: Managing Shopify Store Settings

Managing Inventory in ShipHero

ShipHero focuses on the foundation of inventory accuracy. Once you've created your products in your store, then ShipHero will make sure any actions that affect the inventory of that product are tracked and updated across your sales channels.

Recommended Approach to Duplicating Products

ShipHero will import the products you've created in your store almost immediately. This can cause issues if the product listing is imported before you have completed the changes you need to make for that product.

To avoid any issues, create a template product and use the SKU "donotimport". Doing this will allow having an ideal product template to duplicate for the quick creation of new products. In addition, ShipHero will ignore importing that new product until you've updated SKU to its correct value.

Inventory Settings for New Products

When ShipHero downloads a product for the first time, it needs to know what the inventory value should be.  These options are available in the connected store, and store settings view. 

Default Inventory Value

Two options are available when setting the default inventory value:

  1. Starting inventory should match what is in Shopify. This will set the ShipHero inventory value of a newly created product to match the available inventory value set in the connected Shopify store. We do not recommend using this option if you are dynamic slotting.
  2. Starting inventory should always be 0. This will set the ShipHero inventory value of a newly created product to be 0 in ShipHero.

Managing Inventory in Multiple Warehouses

In addition to controlling the behavior of how the inventory value is set, you can also specify which warehouses newly created products will be available within.

You can set the behavior for all warehouses (default), or specify the warehouses that the product will be available in.